Monthly Social Media Management Package

/Monthly Social Media Management Package
Monthly Social Media Management Package 2017-09-26T12:54:26+00:00

Monthly Social Media Management Package

As the Social Media Marketing phenomenon continues to gather pace, the question is no longer whether your business can afford to explore the social networking channels and more whether it can afford not to. A monthly social media management package from Gorilla Web Marketing offering help with Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter along with a variety of other social networks continuing to increase in popularity and new review, opinion and blog sites are appearing every day…social media marketing now forms an essential part of any online marketing strategy.

At Gorilla Web Marketing, we offer a variety of on-going monthly social media management packages designed to help maximise the presence of your business on the appropriate channels.

What does a Social Media Marketing Package include?

The key to the success of any social networking feed is to ensure that it is interesting! Whilst we will never lose site of the promotion of the appropriate products and services offered by your

Monthly Social Media Management Package

Turn that ‘frown upside down’ with a monthly social media management package from Gorilla Web Marketing.

business we will also incorporate a variety of different techniques designed to ensure that your accounts remain engaging and fun.

For a small monthly fee (see below) we will be able to enhance the profile of your business by implementing a social media strategy based on Twitter and Facebook (the two most powerful social media platforms). We’ll tweet and post regularly throughout the business day (3 – 5 tweets per day, approximately 2 Facebook posts per day along with uploading a number of relative images).

To ensure your social media accounts are interesting to read, we will be post a combination of promotional and engaging content including but not limited to:

  • Promotion of your products or services
  • Details about your business
  • Tips, tricks, helpful hints or trivia about your industry
  • Famous quotes
  • Topical and relevant posts
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Re-tweets of interesting tweets by other users (twitter only)
  • Interesting facts
  • Useful website recommendations (other than your website). Google likes links to authority sites.
  • Basically anything that keeps your followers entertained whilst still getting your core sales messages over to them

What Social Media Networks are included?

Your Social Media Activity Plan is focused on:

  • Google+
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

Given the highly customised requirements for specific market segments, for an additional fee we can add in:

  • YouTube – the second most searched site on the web
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram

Monthly social media management packages start at just £99 per month

Contact us on Tel. No. (0115) 7868797 or contact us via our Facebook page and we’ll be happy to help you in any way that we can.

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